Economy & Economic Development  May 20, 2016

Region’s unemployment rates remain steady in April

The unemployment rates in Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties barely moved from March to April as joblessness in the region continues to hover around 3 percent.

Boulder (2.9 percent) and Greeley (3.7 percent) counties remained unchanged, while Larimer’s rate ticked downward one-tenth of a percentage point to 3 and Broomfield’s rate climbed one-tenth of a point to 3.1.

The latest figures were released by the Colorado Division and Employment on Friday morning, with the state’s unemployment rate climbing two-tenths of a percentage point to 3.1 after hitting a 15-year low in March.


Colorado lost 2,000 nonfarm payroll jobs from March to April, though year-over-year the state was still ahead of a year earlier by 67,700 jobs. Mining and logging, which includes the oil and gas industry, continues to be the only sector that’s down year-over-year.

Nationally, unemployment remained unchanged in April at 5 percent.

Boulder County had 174,448 people employed in April, with 5,160 looking for work. The corresponding figures for Larimer County were 179,162 and 5,607, while in Weld they were 145,306 and 5,598, and in Broomfield they were 34,432 and 1,096.

Region's unemployment rates remain steady in April

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