Poudre Valley Hospital to temporarily relocate main entrance

FORT COLLINS – The main entrance to Poudre Valley Hospital will be temporarily moved as part of the hospital-wide master-plan project, officials at the UCHealth facility said Wednesday.
The regular entrance will close at 5 p.m. Saturday. Visitors will be asked to park in the parking lot outside the temporary entrance, which will be located just north of the regular entrance.
The temporary main entrance will be in use until next spring. Inside this entrance, patients and visitors will be able to access all of the services and departments that were just inside the regular entrance, including registration, financial counselors, health-information management, outpatient laboratory, Impact Clinic, pre-admit testing and concierge.
Exterior signs will be posted to direct patients, visitors and staff. Valet service will be available at the new temporary entrance as well.
The master plan project at PVH started in October 2021 and is planned for completion in 2025.
The addition of a new heart and vascular care clinic and testing area just inside the main entrance is one of the highlights of the first-floor projects. Other changes in the master-plan project include revamping surgical, imaging, gastroenterology and pulmonary areas, relocating the gift shop, coffee shop and chapel, and updating hallways.
A complete refresh of the birth center, women’s-care unit and pediatric-care areas with upgrades in equipment are in the works on the third floor of the hospital.
The project also includes plans for a more functional front entrance. New signage and a redesigned traffic flow off of Lemay Avenue and Robertson Street on the south side of the hospital will guide patients and visitors to a redesigned main entrance. Inside the new main entrance will be a large lobby space with seating options, fireplace and information desk.
The second phase of the master-plan project will include creation of an inpatient behavioral-health unit and space that will be renovated to offer electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation and other new services at the hospital. In a building across the street from the hospital, space will be renovated for outpatient behavioral-health services and small-group meetings.
Officials are looking forward to seeing the project completed in conjunction with the hospital’s 100th anniversary in 2025.
FORT COLLINS – The main entrance to Poudre Valley Hospital will be temporarily moved as part of the hospital-wide master-plan project, officials at the UCHealth facility said Wednesday.
The regular entrance will close at 5 p.m. Saturday. Visitors will be asked to park in the parking lot outside the temporary entrance, which will be located just north of the regular entrance.
The temporary main entrance will be in use until next spring. Inside this entrance, patients and visitors will be able to access all of the services and departments that were just inside the regular entrance, including registration,…