Boulder Chamber, transit nonprofit win group’s award
BOULDER – A proposed flex transit service for the Gunbarrel area has earned a statewide award for the Boulder Chamber and the nonprofit Boulder Transportation Connections.
The Association of Colorado Chambers of Commerce presented its Best Idea Award to the Chamber and BTC for coming up with the proposal.
The association, which represents more than 50,000 businesses and 1 million employees across Colorado, gives a Best Idea Award to the chamber with the best idea, program or campaign that has seen success in the last year.
“The merger of the Boulder Chamber and Boulder Transportation Connections is an amazing example of the innovative thinking that will help keep Boulder a leader in sustainability and economic vitality,” said Boulder Chamber CEO John Tayer upon receiving the award.
Since merging with the Boulder Chamber, BTC has worked to create an on-demand flex transit service for the Gunbarrel area in partnership with the City of Boulder, Boulder County, the Regional Transportation District and a private developer in the area. If implemented, tentatively by next fall, the service would provide a critical transportation option for 11,500 residents and 9,800 jobs in an area hit by RTD service cuts.
“Boulder Transportation Connections’ vision is to be the No. 1 partner for Boulder businesses in promoting sustainable transportation choices amongst their employees,” said Amanda Mansfield, BTC’s executive director. “The 2021 integration of BTC with the Boulder Chamber provides BTC with a direct connection to the Boulder business community, helping us better understand their employees’ commute needs and to provide them with the appropriate commute trip reduction services. This partnership has resulted in significant improvement in BTC’s ability to provide Boulder’s workforce and residents with convenient, cost-effective and environmentally sound travel choices.”
BTC also saw success at the state Legislature this year advocating in concert with the Boulder
Chamber to secure key amendments in House Bill 1026, bipartisan legislation that secured $23
million in tax incentives for employers who utilize alternative transportation options for their employees.
Boulder Transportation Connections is one of eight Transportation Management Organizations in the Boulder-Denver metro region. TMOs are public-private partnerships designed to address traffic congestion and air-quality problems in communities throughout the United States.
BOULDER – A proposed flex transit service for the Gunbarrel area has earned a statewide award for the Boulder Chamber and the nonprofit Boulder Transportation Connections.
The Association of Colorado Chambers of Commerce presented its Best Idea Award to the Chamber and BTC for coming up with the proposal.
The association, which represents more than 50,000 businesses and 1 million employees across Colorado, gives a Best Idea Award to the chamber with the best idea, program or campaign that has seen success in the last year.
“The merger of the Boulder Chamber and Boulder Transportation Connections is an amazing example of the innovative…
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