Economy & Economic Development  October 6, 2021

NoCo REDI wins international economic-development award

The Northern Colorado Regional Economic Development Initiative (NoCo REDI) has won a bronze Excellence in Economic Development Award from the International Economic Development Council. 

According to a press statement, the award recognizes the partnerships, collaboration, data dissemination, communication, and regional marketing initiatives among NoCo REDI’s partners throughout Weld and Larimer counties. The award was presented at the IEDC Annual Conference on Oct. 5, in Nashville, Tennessee.

“The past year has highlighted our region’s ability to collect and disseminate information faster than ever, providing recovery resources to our business community. That same collaborative spirit remains strong throughout our network of economic and business development leaders as we look to further market and share the strengths of Northern Colorado as a united front,” Rich Werner, CEO and president of Upstate Colorado, said in a written statement.


NoCo REDI, which includes economic-development representation from most of the Northern Colorado communities, along with Larimer and Weld counties, won the award in the Regionalism and Cross-Border Collaboration category. NoCo REDI projects cited in the award were:

  • Data Expert Team — A regional data team regularly meets to ensure consistent regional data and enhance data availability, allowing for a rapid response to prospective business inquiries.
  • Cluster Strategy Playbook — An industry cluster analysis report and attraction strategy was created to achieve economic opportunity, job creation, economic resilience and workforce alignment.
  • Coordinated Lead Response — Upstate Colorado and Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development coordinate for single response to leads from various sources through NoCo REDI, creating increased efficiency and enhanced consistency in lead fulfillment.
  • Regional Profile — A regional profile highlighting Northern Colorado as a prime area for business and industry growth was first published in 2020 and updated for 2021.
  • Regional Marketing — The first regional marketing video, “Resiliency Through the Pandemic,” was published highlighting the resiliency of Northern Colorado businesses. The ongoing video project will begin to highlight industry strengths defined by the Cluster Strategy Playbook.

The press statement said that the IEDC’s Excellence in Economic Development Awards recognize the world’s best economic-development programs and partnerships, marketing materials and the year’s most influential leaders. Awards are judged by a panel of economic and community developers, after a nomination process. IEDC received more than 500 submissions from four countries.

The Northern Colorado Regional Economic Development Initiative (NoCo REDI) has won a bronze Excellence in Economic Development Award from the International Economic Development Council. 

According to a press statement, the award recognizes the partnerships, collaboration, data dissemination, communication, and regional marketing initiatives among NoCo REDI’s partners throughout Weld and Larimer counties. The award was presented at the IEDC Annual Conference on Oct. 5, in Nashville, Tennessee.

“The past year has highlighted our region’s ability to collect and disseminate information faster than ever, providing recovery resources to our business community. That same collaborative spirit remains strong throughout our network of economic and business…

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