New nonprofit to benefit from Veterans Day weekend 5K
FORT COLLINS — Honor Street, a new veteran-specific nonprofit, will be the beneficiary of a 5K fun run on Veterans Day weekend.
The organizations behind the event hope to raise $5,000. Honor Street was founded by Shawn Storeby, an owner of Snack Attack Speciality Sandwiches and Brews, a Fort Collins restaurant. The nonprofit helps veterans with basic daily needs to keep them on the path to success. The 5K is the official launch of the nonprofit and meant to provide awareness about the special cause.
The race itself is not the first. It is the fifth annual CommUNITY on Tap Veterans 5K. Snack Attack will partner with Odell Brewing Co. for the event.
A $30 event ticket will be charged; 100% will be donated to the non-profit. Included in the fee will be the 5K, a breakfast sandwich from Snack Attack, Odell Brewing pint, post race goodies, a “show your patriotic pride” costume contest, giveaways and more.
The race is 8 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12.
“We are looking forward to hosting another great event with our friends at Odell Brewing. We are so grateful for its continued partnership with our mission to give back. Plus, we get to tap and serve our exclusively brewed Honor Street Session IPA that day,” Shawn Storeby said in a press statement.
Registration can be accomplished here.
Additional information about the event and how to get involved is available from Lauren Storeby at or Shawn Storeby at
FORT COLLINS — Honor Street, a new veteran-specific nonprofit, will be the beneficiary of a 5K fun run on Veterans Day weekend.
The organizations behind the event hope to raise $5,000. Honor Street was founded by Shawn Storeby, an owner of Snack Attack Speciality Sandwiches and Brews, a Fort Collins restaurant. The nonprofit helps veterans with basic daily needs to keep them on the path to success. The 5K is the official launch of the nonprofit and meant to provide awareness about the special cause.
The race itself is not the first. It is the fifth annual CommUNITY on Tap Veterans 5K.…