Entrepreneurs / Small Business  July 1, 2020

TechStars managing director to step down

BOULDER — Natty Zola will leave his role as managing director of Boulder startup accelerator TechStars to focus on his own venture firm.

In a blog post, Zola said he intends to spend more time on Matchstick Ventures, an early-stage investor in software companies that he co-runs with Minneapolis investor Ryan Broshar. The fund most recently raised $30 million in its second fundraising round last September.

Zola first began working with TechStars when his startup Everlater was accepted into a 2009 cohort. He was later hired as the accelerator’s managing director in 2015.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Zola said he will remain with TechStars until a replacement is hired, and he intends to stay in Boulder and with the accelerator in an advisory role.

“My Techstars love runs deep, and I’ll never be far from the program and ecosystem. You can’t get rid of me,” he said.


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BOULDER — Natty Zola will leave his role as managing director of Boulder startup accelerator TechStars to focus on his own venture firm.

In a blog post, Zola said he intends to spend more time on Matchstick Ventures, an early-stage investor in software companies that he co-runs with Minneapolis investor Ryan Broshar. The fund most recently raised $30 million in its second fundraising round last September.

Zola first began working with TechStars when his startup Everlater was accepted into a 2009 cohort. He was later hired as the accelerator’s managing…

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