City of Boulder seeks buyers for 30 Pearl
BOULDER — Boulder city officials released a memorandum Monday calling for offers from potential buyers of city-owned parcels at 30th and Pearl streets, known as the 30 Pearl property.
Three parcels at 2360 30th St. will be sold. One of the parcels is available immediately, and the other two will be sold at an unspecified later date.
“These properties are intended to be developed as a mix of market-rate residential for-sale condos, townhomes, co-housing/cooperative housing, as well as affordable commercial spaces,” according to a city news release.
The Boulder City Council agreed late last year to join forces with Boulder Housing Partners to support the construction of affordable housing on a portion of the 30 Pearl site.
“BHP will complete the site level planning, utility and affordable housing entitlements for the entire property,” the city release said, “The three sites for sale will be developed in coordination with BHP.”
The project “represents an exciting opportunity to put the last piece in place toward creation of the newest Boulder neighborhood, Boulder Junction,” according to the city’s offering memo.
“The transit-oriented neighborhood includes a mix of ownership and rental housing affordable to households with a wide range of incomes and commercial space for smaller locally owned businesses and nonprofits. 30 Pearl will embody design excellence and model significant sustainability elements with an emphasis on reducing the community’s impacts on climate change,” the memo said. “Approximately half of the housing will be affordable to those on a limited budget including rental housing affordable to low and moderate-income households, possible housing opportunities for an independent living program for adults with developmental disabilities an affordable co-operative, co-housing community and for-sale housing affordable to middle-income households.”
City staff will present more details about the project and be available to answer questions from 1 to 3 p.m. March 18 and from 9 to 11 a.m. March 26. Both presentation sessions will occur in Council Chambers at 1777 Broadway.
All offers must be received by April 12.
BOULDER — Boulder city officials released a memorandum Monday calling for offers from potential buyers of city-owned parcels at 30th and Pearl streets, known as the 30 Pearl property.
Three parcels at 2360 30th St. will be sold. One of the parcels is available immediately, and the other two will be sold at an unspecified later date.
“These properties are intended to be developed as a mix of market-rate residential for-sale condos, townhomes, co-housing/cooperative housing, as well as affordable commercial spaces,” according to a city news release.
The Boulder City…
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