September 21, 2022

Larimer SBDC offers program for home child-care provider startups

People wanting to become home-based child-care providers can take advantage of a new program being offered by the Larimer County Small Business Development Center.

A free Early Childhood Home Provider Business Training Program will be offered beginning Oct. 6, and will run virtually via Zoom from 6 to 8 p.m. each Thursday for six weeks.

The course is for those who either are interested in starting a family child-care home or who already have started but want more guidelines on how to run their business. It is designed to help new or existing child-care providers improve their business practices to both better serve their customers and promote their business sustainability with increased revenues.


According to the Larimer SBDC, no prior business training is required and the sessions are open to all. Besides the Zoom seminars, participants will be invited before and after each session to meet one-on-one with an SBDC business consultant for specific and continued training and support. One session with a consultant is required during the six weeks of classes.

Project partners include the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County and SBDC consultants.

Upon completion of the class, providers will have the opportunity to produce one tangible “takeaway” such as a website home page, social media posts, budget/financial plan, or email marketing campaign – whatever they feel will most benefit their businesses now.

Those wishing to participate can register at

People wanting to become home-based child-care providers can take advantage of a new program being offered by the Larimer County Small Business Development Center.

A free Early Childhood Home Provider Business Training Program will be offered beginning Oct. 6, and will run virtually via Zoom from 6 to 8 p.m. each Thursday for six weeks.

The course is for those who either are interested in starting a family child-care home or who already have started but want more guidelines on how to run their business. It is designed to help new or existing child-care providers improve their business practices to both better…

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