Entrepreneurs / Small Business  December 9, 2021

Breeze Thru raises $51k for area nonprofits

FORT COLLINS — Breeze Thru Car Wash, a Fort Collins-based express car-wash company, raised $51,572 for area nonprofit organizations from April to October.

The fundraising involved 11 Breeze Thru locations in Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming, with donations made to 48 organizations.

“At Breeze Thru we care about the communities we call home and the local causes and organizations that are unique to each,” Jenifer Wilcher, administrator at Breeze Thru, said in a prepared statement. “We believe in being a good neighbor and are passionate about serving others by acting as an involved partner to help make a positive impact in every way possible.” 


Through its Fundraising Program, Breeze Thru raises money for organizations by donating $1 per washed car during fundraiser event hours, or $400 depending on which number is greater. One fundraiser is held per location, per month. 

Breeze Thru in 2021 worked with organizations ranging from sporting groups and school programs to other community programs, with employees also volunteering time during a river clean-up day. Nonprofits interested in holding a fundraiser at one of Breeze Thru’s 11 locations can fill out the Fundraising Request Form at www.breezethrucarwash.com/about-us/community/fundraising.

FORT COLLINS — Breeze Thru Car Wash, a Fort Collins-based express car-wash company, raised $51,572 for area nonprofit organizations from April to October.

The fundraising involved 11 Breeze Thru locations in Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming, with donations made to 48 organizations.

“At Breeze Thru we care about the communities we call home and the local causes and organizations that are unique to each,” Jenifer Wilcher, administrator at Breeze Thru, said in a prepared statement. “We believe in being a good neighbor and are passionate about serving others by acting as an involved partner to help make a positive impact in every…

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