Women in Business  January 29, 2021

Free online resource for job seekers available

LONGMONT — Indigo Education Co. just released IndigoPathway.com, a free online resource for job-seeking Americans, students and workforce organizations across the country.

IndigoPathway guides people to new careers and industries that don’t require a four-year degree. As of January 2021, nearly 11 million Americans are unemployed and an additional 7 million are in the workforce looking for a job, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

IndigoPathway helps job seekers determine their strengths, motivators and communication styles. Then the software helps match job seekers to potential career matches, including jobs in emerging fields such as virtual reality, social entrepreneurship and distributed ledger technology.

Potential careers are then linked to a database of nontraditional education certifications, apprenticeships and training opportunities. Finally, the job seeker is linked to potential job openings that fit the individual’s strengths.

“Personal fulfillment starts with self-awareness,” Indigo CEO Sheri Smith said in a statement. “IndigoPathway’s inside-out approach to careers comes from our belief that people shouldn’t force themselves to fit into a job. Aligning with workplace culture, communication styles, and job tasks allows passionate and well-equipped employees to thrive.” 

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LONGMONT — Indigo Education Co. just released IndigoPathway.com, a free online resource for job-seeking Americans, students and workforce organizations across the country.

IndigoPathway guides people to new careers and industries that don’t require a four-year degree. As of January 2021, nearly 11 million Americans are unemployed and an additional 7 million are in the workforce looking for a job, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

IndigoPathway helps job seekers determine their strengths, motivators and communication styles. Then the software helps match job seekers to potential career matches, including jobs…

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