Banking & Finance  October 16, 2020

Funding Friday: Crestone Capital brings in $23.1M from new funds

Welcome to Funding Friday, BizWest’s roundup of companies in Northern Colorado and the Boulder Valley kicking off fundraisers.

BizWest reports fundraisers by companies in Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties, as well as Brighton and Westminster through regulatory filings, press releases and other sources. Did we miss a company’s round? Email us at

Notable rounds this week:

Boulder’s Crestone Capital raised $6.5 million in a new fund under the name CC-Addition Two LP from 19 investors, along with $16.6 million from 48 investors in a fund titled Kenosha High Yield Fund VII LP, according to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission this week.


The wealth management firm reported last week that three of its existing funds had total buy-ins of $26.5 million over the last year.

Other rounds this week (Source: SEC)

Oct. 14: Blackstar Enterprise Group Inc., Boulder, $53,000 raised via convertible note

Oct. 13: 100 Technology LLC, Boulder, $5 million round opened

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Welcome to Funding Friday, BizWest’s roundup of companies in Northern Colorado and the Boulder Valley kicking off fundraisers.

BizWest reports fundraisers by companies in Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties, as well as Brighton and Westminster through regulatory filings, press releases and other sources. Did we miss a company’s round? Email us at

Notable rounds this week:

Boulder’s Crestone Capital raised $6.5 million in a new fund under the name CC-Addition Two LP from 19 investors, along with $16.6 million from 48 investors in a fund titled Kenosha High Yield Fund VII…

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