Energy, Utilities & Water  August 22, 2018

Broomfield conditionally approves plan with Extraction

BROOMFIELD – Officials in Broomfield’s city manager’s office have conditionally approved a drilling plan with Extraction Oil & Gas Inc.

The Broomfield Enterprise reports that officials sent a late-day press release Monday stating that after months of review and public comment, officials in the city manager’s office conditionally approved the oil company’s Comprehensive Drilling Plan.

The plan includes oil and gas operations on the Livingston, Northwest A & B, United, and Interchange A & B well pads containing 84 wells that Extraction intends to operate in Broomfield.


“The CDP includes best management practices that exceed State regulatory requirements, including: 1)minimizing the equipment, emissions and truck traffic during production by requiring pipelines for the removal of oil, gas & produced water from the well sites; 2) air, noise and water testing and monitoring; and 3) operator financial assurances,” according to the statement.

Broomfield entered into an operator agreement with Extraction Oct. 24. That operator agreement required Extraction to submit a CDP that was subject to administrative approval by Ozaki.

BROOMFIELD – Officials in Broomfield’s city manager’s office have conditionally approved a drilling plan with Extraction Oil & Gas Inc.

The Broomfield Enterprise reports that officials sent a late-day press release Monday stating that after months of review and public comment, officials in the city manager’s office conditionally approved the oil company’s Comprehensive Drilling Plan.

The plan includes oil and gas operations on the Livingston, Northwest A & B, United, and Interchange A & B well pads containing 84 wells that Extraction intends to operate in Broomfield.

“The CDP includes best management practices that exceed State regulatory requirements, including: 1)minimizing the equipment,…

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