Entrepreneurs / Small Business  May 2, 2016

Boulder, Larimer, Weld counties to host job fair

LOVELAND — Entities from Boulder, Larimer and Weld counties will join on May 11 to host a job fair at the Larimer County Fairgrounds in Loveland.

Workforce Boulder County, the Larimer County Workforce Center and Employment Services of Weld County will partner with Wyoming Workforce Services and the Cheyenne Workforce Center to host the ninth annual WY-CO Partnership Regional Job Fair in the south hall of the First National Bank Building at the fairgrounds.

More than 50 employers have committed to the event so far, recruiting for health-care, information technology, manufacturing, transportation, hospitality, construction, law enforcement, retail, customer service and professional administrative positions. Most have multiple positions to fill. A current list of participating employers can be found online or by downloading TheFairsApp. The web link also contains information, tools and resources to prepare for the job fair.


Youth and adult job seekers are encouraged to create a profile at www.connectingcolorado.com before the job fair. Job seekers don’t need to register for the free event but are encouraged to dress professionally and bring copies of their resume.

“We’ve had an overwhelming response from employers who are anxious to connect with candidates from around the region,” said Jackie Tuck, senior business development consultant at the Larimer County Workforce Center. “Businesses are still struggling to fill open positions. Our hopes are that this job fair will connect many of these businesses with those who are seeking new opportunities. This is a perfect opportunity for those job seekers who are interested in speaking to someone in a hiring position face to face instead of forwarding a resume off to the ‘internet black hole.’ These businesses are really hiring.”

Employer participation also is free, and interested employers may contact Tuck at 970-498-6647 or jtuck@larimer.org to reserve space.

Only veterans will be admitted into the job fair from 9 to 9:30 a.m., and the public can enter from 9:30 until noon.

The Larimer County Career Services Team will offer job-fair preparation workshops from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Loveland Workforce Center, 418 E. Fourth St., and from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday at the Fort Collins Workforce Center, 200 W. Oak St., fifth floor. To register, call 970-498-6600, visit one of its offices or go online.

Information on workshops in Boulder County is online.

Boulder, Larimer, Weld counties to host job fair

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