Banking & Finance  March 22, 2024

High Plains Bank elects new board members

LONGMONT — High Plains Bank has elected a new board of directors made up of Creighton family members as well as other community leaders who collectively bring experience from the public, education, technology, entrepreneurship and finance sectors.

The philosophy upheld by the board “rests upon four fundamental pillars: stewardship, strategy, supervision and statutory compliance,” said Sam Creighton, board chair and bank president, in a prepared statement. “The board is committed to serving as astute advisers for the bank to safeguard its competitive advantage, retain the bank’s independence, fulfill our higher purpose of empowering customers to build economic confidence, and support our communities to thrive.”

Other directors of the new board, who began their terms in February, include vice chair Tom Creighton, treasurer Winifred Walters, secretary Jocelyn Gilligan, Virginia Newton, Dan O’Leary, Jon Smithburg, Perla Delgado, Nancy Taylor and Boulder County Commissioner Marta Loachamin.


Gilligan, who co-founded Longs Peak Advisory Services, also serves as board treasurer at the St. Vrain Valley School District. Smithburg directs cybersecurity at High Plains Bank, Delgado is CEO and executive director of the I Have a Dream Foundation of Boulder County, and Taylor is chief financial officer for the Strasburg School District.

“High Plains Bank is larger and more complex than just a few years ago,” said bank CEO John Creighton. “We are excited to bring on new board members who can help us navigate changes in our communities, industry and society. The newly elected board reflects the Creighton family’s long-standing commitment to the bank along with new members who bring fresh perspectives and experiences to our organization.”

A family- and employee-owned community bank, High Plains Bank was founded in 1908 in Flagler and has physical branches at 600 Kimbark St. in Longmont as well as in Bennett, Flagler, Keenesburg and Wiggins. It offers digital banking services through bank bought a historic building at 385 Main St. in 2022, renovated it and opened it in January to house its trust, estate, investment services and loan departments. Also in January, it spun offCraft Financial Group, which provides a suite of merchant and payment-processing solutions to small businesses.

High Plains Bank has elected a new board of directors made up of Creighton family members as well as other community leaders who collectively bring experience from the public, education, technology, entrepreneurship and finance sectors.

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