Technology  November 14, 2023

Zayo powers world’s fastest computer network, but just this week

BOULDER — The world’s fastest computer network is operating in Denver. But just for this week.

Digital communications infrastructure provider Zayo Group Holdings Inc., based in Boulder, has installed what it calls the “fastest, most advanced temporary network” for the Supercomputing 2023 conference underway this week in Denver. 

The Supercomputing conference involves more than 12,000 attendees from across the globe and generates more than six terabits of data per second (enough to stream thousands of HD movies simultaneously) worldwide, Zayo said in a press statement. “Zayo has provided the backbone for SCinet—a one-of-a-kind global collaboration from high-performance networking experts to create the most powerful temporary network on Earth to connect the SC community to the world each year,” the company said.


Zayo’s network provides connectivity to support the massive bandwidth capacity for conference attendees and its High-Performance Compute user community and it supports discussions and research around HPC and artificial intelligence applications.

“Providing short-term, high-speed connectivity for highly attended events is always a challenge. We’re proud to partner with industry, academia, and government experts to design and build the cutting-edge SCinet infrastructure. Together, we are pushing the boundaries of networking technology and innovation,” Anna Claiborne, senior vice president of network connectivity and product software engineering at Zayo, said in a written statement.

“Networking is the lifeblood of the Internet, moving data that educates our children, connecting medical specialists in far-flung regions, training AI models, and ultimately empowering both individuals and businesses to make choices to improve the world. We’re happy to be a part of SCinet’s efforts to advance networking innovation to continue making these feats possible,” said Claiborne.

BOULDER — The world’s fastest computer network is operating in Denver. But just for this week.

Digital communications infrastructure provider Zayo Group Holdings Inc., based in Boulder, has installed what it calls the “fastest, most advanced temporary network” for the Supercomputing 2023 conference underway this week in Denver. 

The Supercomputing conference involves more than 12,000 attendees from across the globe and generates more than six terabits of data per second (enough to stream thousands of HD movies simultaneously) worldwide, Zayo said in a press statement. “Zayo has provided the backbone for SCinet—a one-of-a-kind…

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