Nonprofits  August 11, 2022

Substance Use Advisory Group to conduct Overdose Awareness Day

BOULDER — The Substance Use Advisory Group from Boulder County Community Services will conduct its annual Overdose Awareness Day event in August.

The event is dedicated to ending overdoses and memorializes those who have passed.

SUAG is collaborating with the Boulder County Hometown Creek Festival for the weekend event on Saturday, Aug. 20, and Sunday, Aug. 21. SUAG’s booth will be open from 10 a.m. to  5 p.m. on both days.

SUAG will be at the Boulder Creek Hometown Festival at 1212 Canyon Blvd., booth No 9, by the bandshell at Broadway and Canyon Boulevard.


The event will include a remembrance table with candles to ‘light’ to signify those who have passed from overdose, as well as a space for those who want to share their experiences and memorialize loved ones. Additionally, SUAG’s booth will have free Naloxone kits for distribution, as well as administration training provided by the harm-reduction team at Boulder County Public Health’s Works Program.For information, contact Meghan Razimoff, Overdose Data to Action Grant Manager at or 630-336-6613, or Trina Faatz, SUAG Facilitator at or call 720-312-3221.

BOULDER — The Substance Use Advisory Group from Boulder County Community Services will conduct its annual Overdose Awareness Day event in August.

The event is dedicated to ending overdoses and memorializes those who have passed.

SUAG is collaborating with the Boulder County Hometown Creek Festival for the weekend event on Saturday, Aug. 20, and Sunday, Aug. 21. SUAG’s booth will be open from 10 a.m. to  5 p.m. on both days.

SUAG will be at the Boulder Creek Hometown Festival at 1212 Canyon Blvd., booth No 9, by the bandshell at Broadway and Canyon Boulevard.

The event will include a remembrance table with candles…

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