Government & Politics  May 27, 2022

Boulder assistant city manager taking new leadership role with Boulder County

BOULDER — Yvette Bowden, Boulder’s assistant city manager, has been hired as Boulder County’s first assistant county administrator, a role which she will be formally appointed to on May 31. 

Yvette Bowden. Courtesy Boulder County.

“In this new role, Bowden will report to Boulder County administrator Jana Petersen and will be responsible for staff functions within the office of county administrator, including the Recovery and Resiliency Division leading Marshall Fire and other disaster recovery efforts; the Board of Equalization managing property tax appeals; communications functions; and the Business Operations Division that supports administration of the county’s internal facing departments,” the county said in a news release. “She also will lead cross-functional projects that span areas of responsibility among the departments reporting to the county administrator, and will serve as acting county administrator in the administrator’s absence.”

Bowden has worked for Boulder in a variety of roles since 2014.

“Boulder County is an amazing place to live, work, recreate, and create,” she said in a prepared statement. “I am committed to working with Jana, the County Commissioners, and the entire Boulder County team to explore strategies and enhance our collective service for the community.”


BOULDER — Yvette Bowden, Boulder’s assistant city manager, has been hired as Boulder County’s first assistant county administrator, a role which she will be formally appointed to on May 31. 

Yvette Bowden. Courtesy Boulder County.

“In this new role, Bowden will report to Boulder County administrator Jana Petersen and will be responsible for staff functions within the office of county administrator, including the Recovery and Resiliency Division leading Marshall Fire and other disaster recovery efforts; the Board of Equalization managing property tax appeals; communications functions; and the Business Operations Division that supports administration of the…

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