Economy & Economic Development  June 10, 2021

Boulder Sterilization Services secures $250,000 grant

BOULDER — Boulder Sterilization Services has received a $250,000 grant from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade’s Advanced Industries Accelerator Grant Program. 

The subsidiary of contract consulting firm Boulder iQ offers quick-turn contract sterilization for medical devices. Boulder BioMed LLC operates as Boulder iQ.

Boulder Sterilization Services said it will use the grant money to address a backlog of sterilization needs in the medical-device industry, adding additional staff that will double capacity. The company offers sterilization using ethylene oxide, which it described as “a safe, low-temperature, environmentally friendly process that is used to sterilize 50% of all medical devices in the United States.”


“The grant gives us the opportunity to substantially increase the quick-turn sterilization we provide to product development companies in Colorado and throughout the country,” Jim Kasic, Boulder iQ founder and chairman, said in a written statement. “We will be able to get needed, innovative medical devices get to market as quickly as possible — and at lower cost.”

Boulder Sterilization Services is among 36 Colorado organizations approved for funding from the Advanced Industries Accelerator Grant Program, created to foster innovation and commercialization of new technologies.

BOULDER — Boulder Sterilization Services has received a $250,000 grant from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade’s Advanced Industries Accelerator Grant Program. 

The subsidiary of contract consulting firm Boulder iQ offers quick-turn contract sterilization for medical devices. Boulder BioMed LLC operates as Boulder iQ.

Boulder Sterilization Services said it will use the grant money to address a backlog of sterilization needs in the medical-device industry, adding additional staff that will double capacity. The company offers sterilization using ethylene oxide, which it described as “a safe, low-temperature, environmentally friendly process that is used to sterilize 50% of all medical devices…

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