Nonprofits  December 16, 2024

Boulder County govs get $274K in grants from Great Outdoors Colorado

BOULDER — Local governments in Boulder, Longmont and Boulder County recently received  $274,442 in grants from Great Outdoors Colorado, which doles out Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s parks, trails, wildlife, rivers and open spaces.

Boulder County got $52,330 to partner with Mile High Youth Corps and complete the second phase of ecological restoration and trail work within the Cal-Wood Fire burn area, according to a GOCO news release.

Longmont will use $78,495 to protect a critical drinking water supply and restore forest health at Button Rock Preserve in partnership with Larimer County Conservation Corps.


Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks will use $143,617 to complete 13 weeks of trail improvements with help from Mile High Youth Corps.

“Our partnership with GOCO changes the lives of thousands of Coloradans for the better,”

Colorado Youth Corps Association executive director Scott Segerstrom said in the release. “This investment will employ hundreds of corps members to steward our iconic natural resources, including efforts that support healthy forests and wildlife habitats, expanding the outdoor recreation economy in rural communities, and restoring waterflow by removing invasive species. We are grateful to GOCO for helping us build the next generation of leaders.” 

Local governments in Boulder, Longmont and Boulder County recently received  $274,442 in grants from Great Outdoors Colorado, which doles out Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s parks, trails, wildlife, rivers and open spaces.

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