Fort Collins to eye commercial development in land-use code Phase 2

FORT COLLINS — The City of Fort Collins wants to hear from its residents about standards for development as part of Phase 2 of changes to its land-use code.
The City Council finally passed a revised residential code in May after citizen-led petition drives turned back its first two attempts, with groups blasting early provisions that would have virtually abolished single-family residential zoning in the city and contending that citizens had too little input. For the commercial-focused Phase 2, the city has scheduled five neighborhood meetings in October and built an informational website at
According to the Fort Collins Coloradoan, the review will focus on encouraging more mixed-use development, creating resilient commercial centers and promoting compatible infill. It will seek ways to make development review more predictable, as well as creating neighborhoods based on the “15-minute city” concept, in which residents can get to essential services, jobs and recreation within a 15-minute walk or bike ride.
The City of Fort Collins wants to hear from its residents about standards for development as part of Phase 2 of changes to its land-use code.