July 28, 2023

SomaLogic partnership brings proteomics tech to Italy

BOULDER — SomaLogic Inc. (Nasdaq: SLGC) is partnering with Dante Genomics, a European genomics and precision medicine company, to introduce SomaLogic’s proteomics technology to the Italian market.

SomaLogic develops platforms to read thousands of proteins in a patient’s blood or urine sample that may signal illnesses or future health conditions and suggest potential treatments via machine learning.

“Over the past seven years, Dante has been intensely focused on enhancing the clinical utility of the genome, and in partnering with SomaLogic, we will now work together to enhance the research and discovery capabilities of the proteome,” Dante CEO Andrea Riposati said in a prepared statement. “By combining proteomics and genomics, we will develop clinical insights and actionable results. We are excited for the future of multiomics, where partnerships like this will mean overall better healthcare for more people around the world.”


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