Top 5 Ways the Right Payroll Service Can Save You Money
Optimize your workforce. With advanced scheduling software, employers can ensure jobs, resources, and employees match up and employees are not kept waiting around on the clock for their daily work assignments.
Eliminate employee time theft, buddy punching, and rounding up. Keep your staff on billable tasks instead of time card prep. Timekeeping software allows managers to track and verify when employees clock in, take breaks/lunches, and clock out. Using GPS tracking and photo selfies ensures employees aren’t punching in before they arrive and aren’t clocking in for their coworkers.
Proper timekeeping solutions have overtime alerts that ensure tight overtime management. This saves in costly overtime pay.
Pay as You Go Workers Compensation integrates directly with our payroll software, significantly reducing the probability of yearly audits and true-up charges, which improves cash flow management.
Using a payroll service with the right technology will allow employees to make online withholding changes, obtain past paystubs and view last year’s W2s, thus keeping your managers from spending time and resources providing these items to your staff.
Building a business that runs well is not an accident! Reach out to us for a free payroll checkup to ensure you are running yours efficiently.
Optimize your workforce. With advanced scheduling software, employers can ensure jobs, resources, and employees match up and employees are not kept waiting around on the clock for their daily work assignments.
Eliminate employee time theft, buddy punching, and rounding up. Keep your staff on billable tasks instead of time card prep. Timekeeping software allows managers to track and verify when employees clock in, take breaks/lunches, and clock out. Using GPS tracking and photo selfies ensures employees aren’t punching in before they arrive and aren’t clocking in for their coworkers.
Proper timekeeping solutions have overtime alerts that ensure tight overtime…