ARCHIVED  August 16, 2004

Northern Colorado Technology Roundtable is Thursday

FORT COLLINS — The Northern Colorado Technology Roundtable is Thursday from 8 to 10 a.m. Topic for this session is “Navigating Microsoft: A Practical Guide,” presented by Michael Acosta, an ISV developer specialist with Microsoft.
The Fort Collins Technology Incubator and the Colorado Software and Internet Association will host the roundtable, which will be held in the Community Room at Home State Bank, 303 E. Mountain Ave. in Fort Collins.
There is no charge to attend, but an RSVP is requested at or by calling (970) 221-1301.

FORT COLLINS — The Northern Colorado Technology Roundtable is Thursday from 8 to 10 a.m. Topic for this session is “Navigating Microsoft: A Practical Guide,” presented by Michael Acosta, an ISV developer specialist with Microsoft.
The Fort Collins Technology Incubator and the Colorado Software and Internet Association will host the roundtable, which will be held in the Community Room at Home State Bank, 303 E. Mountain Ave. in Fort Collins.
There is no charge to attend, but an RSVP is requested at or by calling (970) 221-1301.


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