Real Estate & Construction  October 10, 2023

Fort Collins Willow apartments sell for $65 million

FORT COLLINS — A California-based real estate investment company has purchased the Willow Street apartments at 281 Willow St. in Fort Collins. Purchase price in the Sept. 28 transaction was listed at $65 million.

The buyer, Borello Asset Management Inc. of Morgan Hill, California, invests in multi-family real estate; it has 813 units and $350 million under management.

Seller, according to Larimer County property records, was CA Residential Fort Collins Property Owner LLC, which shares the same Chicago address as CA Ventures, a real estate investment management firm with $10 billion in gross asset value, according to its website.


The 281 Willow St. facility includes two, five-story buildings. One has 197 units over 83,567 square feet and the other 88 units over 64,627 square feet.

FORT COLLINS — A California-based real estate investment company has purchased the Willow Street apartments at 281 Willow St. in Fort Collins. Purchase price in the Sept. 28 transaction was listed at $65 million.

The buyer, Borello Asset Management Inc. of Morgan Hill, California, invests in multi-family real estate; it has 813 units and $350 million under management.

Seller, according to Larimer County property records, was CA Residential Fort Collins Property Owner LLC, which shares the same Chicago address as CA Ventures, a real estate investment management firm with $10 billion in gross asset value, according to its website.

The 281 Willow St.…

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Ken Amundson is managing editor of BizWest. He has lived in Loveland and reported on issues in the region since 1987. Prior to Colorado, he reported and edited for news organizations in Minnesota and Iowa. He's a parent of two and grandparent of four, all of whom make their homes on the Front Range. A news junkie at heart, he also enjoys competitive sports, especially the Rapids.
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