Legal & Courts  May 1, 2023

Parties seek relief in Green Eyed Motors bankruptcy case

FREDERICK — Two parties affected by the Green Eyed Motors LLC bankruptcy action have filed for relief under the bankruptcy law to permit return of property.

Green Eyed Motors operated a used-car dealership along Interstate 25 in Frederick. It specialized in electric vehicles. 

ACAR Leasing Ltd., which does business as GM Financial, filed a motion April 28 seeking relief under bankruptcy law in order to secure return of a 2022 GMC Sierra 1500 vehicle. ACAR contends in its filing that neither Green Eyed nor its owner Luke Van Walch have ownership interest in the vehicle and thus should not be tied up in the bankruptcy proceedings.


ACAR sought an objection deadline of May 18 and a hearing May 25.

Also filed in the bankruptcy case was a motion on April 27 by Skitzo Genessee LLC, the landlord of the property where Green Eyed operated. Skitzo sought an order permitting it to regain control of the property at 4040 Salazar Way in Frederick. The landlord is owed unpaid rent on the property and began actions against the tenant prior to the bankruptcy filing. Bankruptcy automatically stops judicial or administrative procedures underway against the debtor. Skitzo in filing the motion sought to continue lease enforcement efforts against Green Eyed, but not against its owners who were the actual parties to the bankruptcy. 

The court had not acted on the motion as of this morning.

The related cases are:

In Weld County District Court, Skitzo Genesee LLC v. Green Eyed Motors LLC and Luke Van Walch, case number 2023cv30189.

Also in Weld County District Court, Floorplan Xpress LLC-OK v. Green Eyed Motors LLC, Luke Van Walch, Janine R. Walch, and Flatirons Bank, case number 2023cv30196.

In Boulder County District Court, Flatirons Bank v. Green Eyed Motors LLC, Luke V. Walch and Janine R. Walch, case number 2023cv30195.

In United States Bankruptcy Court, Denver District, Luke and Janine Walch, 23-bk-11420.

FREDERICK — Two parties affected by the Green Eyed Motors LLC bankruptcy action have filed for relief under the bankruptcy law to permit return of property.

Green Eyed Motors operated a used-car dealership along Interstate 25 in Frederick. It specialized in electric vehicles. 

ACAR Leasing Ltd., which does business as GM Financial, filed a motion April 28 seeking relief under bankruptcy law in order to secure return of a 2022 GMC Sierra 1500 vehicle. ACAR contends in its filing that neither Green Eyed nor its owner Luke Van Walch have ownership interest in the vehicle and thus should not be tied…

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Ken Amundson is managing editor of BizWest. He has lived in Loveland and reported on issues in the region since 1987. Prior to Colorado, he reported and edited for news organizations in Minnesota and Iowa. He's a parent of two and grandparent of four, all of whom make their homes on the Front Range. A news junkie at heart, he also enjoys competitive sports, especially the Rapids.
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