Energy, Utilities & Water  June 24, 2022

United Power joins Southwest Power Pool

BRIGHTON — As Brighton-based United Power Inc. makes preparations to leave Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, its traditional wholesale power supplier, it has joined the Southwest Power Pool.

The Southwest Power Pool is a nonprofit regional transmission organization in which members can access power surpluses across a wide network of organizations.

“Since United Power is leaving our current wholesale power supplier in 2024, it is important that we seek out memberships and partnerships that will help us assure a reliable power source at the lowest cost possible,” Mark A. Gabriel, United Power president and CEO, said in a written statement. “Our membership with SPP is one of the critical pieces we wanted in place as we move toward a new energy future for our members.”


According to United Power, SPP works as an aggregator of generation resources, dispatching the power where it is needed. “The value of belonging to a regional transmission organization is multi-pronged for cooperatives like United Power. The power pool is charged with building reliability and predictability into its power marketplace and helping to reduce the risks that come with varying weather conditions. It is also committed to providing the lowest cost power available to serve its members, minute by minute,” a press statement said.

“Membership matters. Our membership in SPP means we will have a meaningful say in the strategic direction of the organization,” said Gabriel. “Members have an active role in determining how this new energy market develops and how the organization grows. We will be able to directly represent the interests of all United Power members.”

BRIGHTON — As Brighton-based United Power Inc. makes preparations to leave Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, its traditional wholesale power supplier, it has joined the Southwest Power Pool.

The Southwest Power Pool is a nonprofit regional transmission organization in which members can access power surpluses across a wide network of organizations.

“Since United Power is leaving our current wholesale power supplier in 2024, it is important that we seek out memberships and partnerships that will help us assure a reliable power source at the lowest cost possible,” Mark A. Gabriel, United Power president and CEO, said in a written statement. “Our membership…

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