COVID-19  December 21, 2020

Larimer coalition applies for COVID-19 variance program

A coalition of Larimer County organizations Friday applied for the state’s certified business-variance program, known locally as the “Level Up Program,” which could ease COVID-19 restrictions for certain businesses in the county.

The “5 star” business-variance program is administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and allows participating businesses to operate at one level above Larimer County’s position on the statewide dial, provided they demonstrate compliance with public health guidelines and safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Larimer County’s Level Up Steering Committee includes representatives from the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, the Loveland and Fort Collins chambers of commerce, the cities of Loveland and Fort Collins, and the towns of Estes Park, Windsor, Berthoud and Wellington.


Approval of the coalition’s request could come this week, provided that COVID-19 case numbers continue a two-week sustained decline in cases, positivity percentage and hospitalizations.

Businesses must prepare and submit business plans, with physical inspection of businesses that have submitted applications beginning as early as Dec. 28, provided that the Level Up Program is approved. Applications will be submitted via the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment website

“We want our businesses operating at the safest capacity possible, and the more we continue to follow the protective measures and guidance the closer we can get to achieving the required metrics to receive approval from the state,” Tom Gonzales, Larimer County public health director, said in a prepared statement.

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