Economy & Economic Development  July 8, 2020

Advanced Energy moves HQ to Denver from Fort Collins

FORT COLLINS and DENVER — Power-controls developer Advanced Energy Industries Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) has moved its official headquarters from Fort Collins to Denver, marking a loss of a $2.64 billion corporate headquarters from Northern Colorado.

The company’s headquarters were registered at its 1625 Sharp Point Drive address in Fort Collins as late as Feb. 24, according to regulatory filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. However, the company listed its address at its 1595 Wynkoop St. offices in Denver on its annual report filed on March 3.

The company in April filed a correction of its principal offices, reflecting the change to Denver, with the Colorado Secretary of State.


Spokesman Brian Smith said the company has moved most of the senior executives, along with other administrative divisions, to the LoDo neighborhood.

“We have outgrown our facility in Fort Collins … so we made the decision to rent some space in downtown Denver right across from Union Station,” he said.

Advanced Energy was founded in Fort Collins in 1981. In an interview with BizWest in February 2019, CEO Yuval Wasserman said the company would open an office in Denver to be closer to its legal and accounting advisors, but would not relocate the official headquarters there.

Smith said the company still will have a presence in Fort Collins, most recently by signing a 15-year lease on its research facility in the city’s northeast corner. He declined to specify the number of employees in each location.

Advanced Energy’s formal change of address marks another loss of a publicly traded company in the Northern Colorado and Boulder Valley region. UQM Technologies Inc., previously headquartered in Weld County, sold itself to Danfoss Power Solutions (US) Co. last July, while internet infrastructure provider Zayo Group Holdings Inc. left the private markets earlier this spring as part of a $14.3 billion sale to a pair of investment firms.


FORT COLLINS and DENVER — Power-controls developer Advanced Energy Industries Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) has moved its official headquarters from Fort Collins to Denver, marking a loss of a $2.64 billion corporate headquarters from Northern Colorado.

The company’s headquarters were registered at its 1625 Sharp Point Drive address in Fort Collins as late as Feb. 24, according to regulatory filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. However, the company listed its address at its 1595 Wynkoop St. offices in Denver on its annual report filed on March 3.

The company in April filed a correction of…

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Christopher Wood
Christopher Wood is editor and publisher of BizWest, a regional business journal covering Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties. Wood co-founded the Northern Colorado Business Report in 1995 and served as publisher of the Boulder County Business Report until the two publications were merged to form BizWest in 2014. From 1990 to 1995, Wood served as reporter and managing editor of the Denver Business Journal. He is a Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder. He has won numerous awards from the Colorado Press Association, Society of Professional Journalists and the Alliance of Area Business Publishers.
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