Few days remain for health insurance registration
DENVER — More than 46,000 Coloradans selected health coverage through Connect for Health Colorado during November, a number 6 percent ahead of the pace one year ago, according to new data released Monday.
“We started with a strong month but there are now only 12 days left to get coverage in place for Jan. 1,” said Kevin Patterson, CEO of Connect for Health Colorado, in a written statement. “It is time for Coloradans who buy their own health insurance to act to protect their health and their family finances.”
During November, Connect for Health Colorado customers made 46,332 medical plan selections. The total was 43,881 medical plan selections for the comparable period in 2017. Fifteen percent of the plan selections are by customers who are new to Connect for Health Colorado and 85 percent are renewing customers.
Connect for Health Colorado opened for business Nov. 1 with rate increases lower than the state has seen in years, a streamlined application process and all seven health insurance companies returning to the individual market in 2019.
“I urge anyone in Colorado who buys their own health insurance to go now to Connectforhealthco.com to see what financial help they can get. Many are pleasantly surprised with what they find,” Patterson said.
More than 130,000 Coloradans got help paying for health insurance in 2018. Renewing customers qualifying for financial help will see their net premium — their cost after the Advance Premium Tax Credit — go down 24 percent, on average, in 2019, Patterson said.
Analysis shows that three out of four of Connect for Health Colorado customers who bought their health insurance with financial help will have an option for health insurance with a net premium (after financial help) less than $50 per month in 2019.
Open Enrollment runs from Nov. 1, 2018, to Jan. 15, 2019, but consumers need to enroll by Dec.15 to have coverage in place by Jan. 1.
DENVER — More than 46,000 Coloradans selected health coverage through Connect for Health Colorado during November, a number 6 percent ahead of the pace one year ago, according to new data released Monday.
“We started with a strong month but there are now only 12 days left to get coverage in place for Jan. 1,” said Kevin Patterson, CEO of Connect for Health Colorado, in a written statement. “It is time for Coloradans who buy their own health insurance to act to protect their health and their family finances.”
During November, Connect for Health Colorado customers…
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