Entrepreneurs / Small Business  April 5, 2018

Hygge Power selected for international accelerator

BOULDER — Hygge Power, a Boulder-based home-energy storage-device company, was accepted into an international energy startup accelerator.

Hygge will participate in Free Electrons as one of the five U.S. companies in the 30-company program. The program began April 3 and takes place in Lisbon, Portugal. Companies compete for a $200,000 and the title of “Free Electrons World’s Best Energy Startup.”

The Free Electrons program seeks out energy startups looking to refine their products and services and possibly test them on Free Electrons’ network of 73 million customers. It was started by nine international electric utilities across more than 40 countries: AusNet Services, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Electricity Supply Board, Energias de Portugal, Innogy, Origin Energy, Singapore Power, Tokyo Electric Power Co. and American Electric Power. Free Electrons is also supported by Beta-i, a Portuguese organization made to boost entrepreneurship.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Startups from 16 different countries are represented in the program and are focused on issues such as IoT digitization, smart grids, clean energy and energy management.

“Hygge Power is honored to be among the handful of clean-tech startups invited to participate in the prestigious Free Electrons accelerator program,” Caleb Scalf, founder and CEO of Hygge Power, said in a prepared statement. “This program will create an unprecedented opportunity for us to share our OPO smart plug and home energy storage device with clean-tech investors and leaders across a global network of 73 million potential customers.”

The program will start with a one-week boot camp in Lisbon and will continue with modules in Australia, Silicon Valley and Berlin.


BOULDER — Hygge Power, a Boulder-based home-energy storage-device company, was accepted into an international energy startup accelerator.

Hygge will participate in Free Electrons as one of the five U.S. companies in the 30-company program. The program began April 3 and takes place in Lisbon, Portugal. Companies compete for a $200,000 and the title of “Free Electrons World’s Best Energy Startup.”

The Free Electrons program seeks out energy startups looking to refine their products and services and possibly test them on Free Electrons’ network of 73 million customers. It was started by nine international electric utilities…

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