Boulder council members eyeing workaround on height limit for civic-use pad
In case anyone thought the debates over the city of Boulder’s building-height restrictions — and a moratorium on granting exceptions to them imposed last year — have been contentious, wait until the city seeks its own way around them.
The Daily Camera reports that City Council members would like to consider an amendment to the city’s charter that would help development of the civic-use pad next to the St. Julien Hotel move forward. The building currently proposed for the site includes a rooftop deck that would provide a public use of the space, but a stairway or elevator that would be needed to provide access to that deck would protrude above the city’s 55-foot height limit.
The civic-use pad, owned by the St. Julien, is slated for a four-story addition to the hotel. But the site has a development restriction in place that requires public use to be incorporated into the design to benefit the nonprofit, cultural, scientific, educational or artistic aspects of life in Boulder.
Boulder council members eyeing workaround on height limit for civic-use pad