October 22, 2024

Katrina (Kat) McManus

Katrina McManus

Katrina (Kat) McManus

40 Under Forty – 2024 Honoree


The Rainbow Collective LLC

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

If I could give advice to my younger self, it would be this: keep going, push through the barriers and authority figures that stand in your way. I wish I had heard more encouragement to keep going and to believe in myself. Growing up in a conservative, predominantly red state, I often felt like the odd one out for being gay. Standing up for what I believed in wasn’t easy and often felt isolating. To my younger self: you are not alone, and I am proud of you for never giving up.



Who do you count as your greatest mentor(s) that have helped you succeed in your personal and professional life?

My greatest mentors have always been my siblings. From a young age, they provided both tough criticism and a safe space filled with love, which I am deeply grateful for. My older brother has always stood by me, teaching me how to stand up for what I believe in while maintaining a professional and ethical approach. My sister, who has faced immense challenges, including overcoming two brain injuries and numerous physical hardships, inspires me every day with her advocacy for mental health and disability rights. Then there’s my little brother, who may not realize it, but he is my best friend and my biggest inspiration. He was the first person I ever came out to, and his acceptance gave me the strength to be myself. Each of my siblings has played a crucial role in my life, pushing me to be my best even in my hardest moments, and I’m incredibly thankful for their unwavering support.

Katrina McManus

Where do you see yourself and what will you be doing with your life after 40?

When I’m 40 and beyond, I hope to be an active force for positive change in my community. My goal is to continue advocating for the LGBTQIA+ community and making Loveland a more inclusive place for everyone, not just those who are privileged. I envision myself deeply involved in community efforts, working to create support systems that uplift marginalized groups and ensure equal opportunities for all. I also want to maintain an open heart and mind, ready to embrace new possibilities and challenges. As I grow older, I’ll strive to be someone who leads with compassion, continuously working to make Loveland a better place for future generations. Ultimately, I want to leave a legacy of kindness, inclusivity, and action, proving that one person can make a difference in their community and beyond.

View the 2024 – 40 Under Forty honorees.

Visit the 40 Under Forty website.

40 Under Forty

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