October 22, 2024

Katharine Penning

Katharine Penning

Katharine Penning

40 Under Forty – 2024 Honoree

Associate Principal

Clark & Enersen

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

I would tell my younger self not to rush to make something out of yourself. Everything takes time, and it’s important to focus on growing and learning rather than feeling pressured to achieve success immediately. Be patient with your journey, and trust that each step—no matter how small—adds to your growth. It’s okay to be where you are right now, because that foundation is what will eventually lead you to where you want to go. Success isn’t about speed; it’s about the depth of experience and wisdom you gain along the way.



Who do you count as your greatest mentor(s) that have helped you succeed in your personal and professional life?

One of my greatest mentors is Phil Walter, the principal in charge of our Fort Collins office. He recognized the value in my skill set, even when others didn’t fully appreciate it. Phil allowed me to develop my strengths, continually giving me opportunities to push harder, take on more responsibility, and refine my leadership abilities. Beyond the professional sphere, my best friends, Michelle and Addie, have been incredible mentors in my personal life, teaching me how to balance motherhood with my career and offering unwavering support. Lastly, my husband has been both my strongest critic and my biggest supporter. He challenges me to be a better mother and wife, while always standing behind my ambitions and career goals. Their mentorship has shaped me into the person I am today, both professionally and personally.

Katharine Penning

View the 2024 – 40 Under Forty honorees.

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40 Under Forty

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