ARCHIVED  June 29, 2011

CSU professor selected to attend engineering symposium

FORT COLLINS – Colorado State University electrical engineering
professor Sid Suryanarayanan has been selected to attend the National
Academy of Engineering symposium this September.

The symposium, to be held at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View,
Calif., will examine developments in additive manufacturing,
engineering, sustainable buildings, neuroprosthetics and semantic


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

To attend the symposium, participants must be nominated and chosen by a
selection committee. Attendees are selected because they are “performing
exceptional engineering research and technical work in industry,
academia and government,” according to a National Academy news release.

Suryanarayanan is an assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering department at CSU. He conducts research on design, operation
and economics of advanced electric power systems and has more than 50
publications in industry journals and conference proceedings.

The National Academy of Engineering, founded in 1964, is a private
nonprofit institution dedicated to engineering leadership and the
promotion of technological welfare of the nation.

FORT COLLINS – Colorado State University electrical engineering
professor Sid Suryanarayanan has been selected to attend the National
Academy of Engineering symposium this September.

The symposium, to be held at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View,
Calif., will examine developments in additive manufacturing,
engineering, sustainable buildings, neuroprosthetics and semantic

To attend the symposium, participants must be nominated and chosen by a
selection committee. Attendees are selected because they are “performing
exceptional engineering research and technical work in industry,
academia and government,” according to a National Academy news release.

Suryanarayanan is an assistant professor in the…

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