Jordan Cook

Jordan Cook
40 Under Forty – 2024 Honoree
Community Foundation of Northern Colorado
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?
Most things that happen might seem significant in the moment, but are relatively minimal in the long run. Don’t sweat the small stuff, just grow from mistakes and challenges and keep pushing forward. You can’t change the past, the only thing you can do is learn, grow from those things, and press forward.
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Who do you count as your greatest mentor(s) that have helped you succeed in your personal and professional life?
I would say my greatest mentor has been my brother. He has set such a stellar example, both in my personal life and professional life on how to love others and just be a great human being. There have been times where he has provided immense counsel as I have dealt with challenging decisions, and other times where he has been a helpful listening ear. He continues to make a deep community impact daily through his career and family life and I’ve tried to learn and take his skills on how I can balance being successful, developing others, and being there for my family.

Where do you see yourself and what will you be doing with your life after 40?
I am a helper, and I hope to always continue to find ways to help others. In life after 40, I hope to be able to further mentor the next generation, and help those starting and developing their careers to navigate their own pathways. I have benefited from having many guiding individuals who have helped me get to where I am today, and I hope to pass that on to those next in line following behind us.
View the 2024 – 40 Under Forty honorees.
Visit the 40 Under Forty website.

Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado 40 Under Forty recognizes 40 emerging business leaders under 40 years of age who are making a mark on their communities through professional success and volunteer activities.