Jessica Hernandez

Jessica Hernandez
40 Under Forty – 2024 Honoree
Wealth Advisor
Intrinsic Financial Design Group
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?
Don’t let fear hold you back. Take chances, embrace the setbacks, trust your gut, and go for it!
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Who do you count as your greatest mentor(s) that have helped you succeed in your personal and professional life?
I am fortunate to have a community of support and several impactful mentors. My lifelong inspiration has always been my Grandma June. She is lovely through and through and I’ll strive to be more like her for the rest of my days.

Where do you see yourself and what will you be doing with your life after 40?
I will be continually learning and growing. My focus will remain on having a meaningful impact on my family and community.
View the 2024 – 40 Under Forty honorees.
Visit the 40 Under Forty website.

Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado 40 Under Forty recognizes 40 emerging business leaders under 40 years of age who are making a mark on their communities through professional success and volunteer activities.