Real Estate & Construction  March 12, 2021

Residences planned at commercial site on Spruce

BOULDER — A commercial block on Boulder’s Spruce Street that’s home to an auto-repair shop, thrift store and motor-scooter dealer could eventually become residences, plans recently submitted to city planners show.

The roughly two-acre parcel surrounding 2504 Spruce St. is planned to include a total of 62 residential units, according to Boulder-based Pace Development Co.’s preapplication documents.

Of those, 15 are planned to be townhomes with two priced affordably. The remainder would be condos or apartments with eight priced affordably. 


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Plans call for construction to occur in two phases.

The first phase calls for “four buildings to be built on approximately the west 40% of the site, to include 15 townhomes, and a fitness facility with two residential units above. We anticipate these residential units to be for sale,” according to planning documents.

Phase two calls for “one structure, to be built on the eastern 60% of the site,” documents show. “This building is anticipated to accommodate 45 condominiums of various sizes and bedroom counts. Phase II timing is undetermined at this time. We are also uncertain whether these units will be for sale or for rent.”

The project is in very early stages with preapplication documents submitted just last month. The Spruce Street residences have yet to be scheduled to appear on an agenda at an upcoming Boulder Planning Board meeting. 

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BOULDER — A commercial block on Boulder’s Spruce Street that’s home to an auto-repair shop, thrift store and motor-scooter dealer could eventually become residences, plans recently submitted to city planners show.

The roughly two-acre parcel surrounding 2504 Spruce St. is planned to include a total of 62 residential units, according to Boulder-based Pace Development Co.’s preapplication documents.

Of those, 15 are planned to be townhomes with two priced affordably. The remainder would be condos or apartments with eight priced affordably. 

Plans call for construction to occur in two phases.

The first phase calls for “four buildings to be built on approximately the west 40%…

Lucas High
A Maryland native, Lucas has worked at news agencies from Wyoming to South Carolina before putting roots down in Colorado.
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