Nonprofits  August 7, 2020

Boulder Rotary seeks nominations for Jim Swaeby Peace Award

BOULDER — The Boulder Rotary is seeking nominations for the Jim Swaeby Peace Award.

The award recognizes “a person or persons for outstanding achievement consistent with the ideals of Rotary as expressed in the Fourth Object of Rotary: ‘The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service,’” according to the organization.

The award commemorates Boulder Rotarian Jim Swaeby, “who gave of his time, talent, humor and passion to build a better world,” according to the Rotary.


Swaeby  was a Peace Corps volunteer in Tonga and businessman who contributed to the community and world in numerous ways. 

“In ways unseen in most cases, he carried out a life mission to ‘do an unexpected act of kindness or generosity for someone less privileged.’”

 The Award includes an inscribed plaque and an announcement of the award to the community through the Rotary and the Boulder Daily Camera.

Criteria for the award include:

  • Live or work in Boulder County.
  • Active in creating a culture of peace/peacebuilding,  locally or globally. 
  • Exemplifies the 4-Way Test.

Is it the truth?

Is it fair?

Will it build good will and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial?

Individuals interested in applying for the award may do so with this form.

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