October 9, 2018

Loveland takes neutral position on drilling plan

LOVELAND — The city of Loveland will not take a position — yet — on the proposed oil and gas drilling under the city’s southeast quadrant.

The council voted Monday to take a neutral stance and wants to reserve an option to comment later to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, according to a report in the Reporter-Herald.

Magpie Operating Inc. announced in recent days that it plans to drill horizontal wells on property it owns with the wells extending under properties in Loveland, including properties owned by the city.


The city has until tonight to comment on the proposal and met in emergency session Monday night because the state denied the city’s request for an extension of the timetable.



LOVELAND — The city of Loveland will not take a position — yet — on the proposed oil and gas drilling under the city’s southeast quadrant.

The council voted Monday to take a neutral stance and wants to reserve an option to comment later to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, according to a report in the Reporter-Herald.

Magpie Operating Inc. announced in recent days that it plans to drill horizontal wells on property it owns with the wells extending under properties in Loveland, including properties owned by the city.


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