Banking & Finance  March 7, 2018

Salazar appoints Salazar as state bank commissioner

DENVER — Patty Salazar has been appointed State Bank and Financial Services commissioner by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies’ executive director, Marguerite Salazar, the agency said Wednesday.

Patty Salazar

Patty Salazar replaces Chris Myklebust who left the position Nov. 30. Her first day will be March 8.

Patty Salazar will oversee two financial divisions at DORA — the Division of Banking and the Division of Financial Services.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The Division of Banking regulates the business of state-chartered and/or licensed financial institutions, including state commercial banks, money transmitters and trust companies. The Division of Financial Services regulates state-chartered credit unions and savings and loan associations, the administration and enforcement of the Savings and Loan Public Deposit Protection Act, and certain financial activities of state life care institutions.

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Patty Salazar was appointed Colorado Financial Services Commissioner in 2015. In 2016, she was appointed DORA deputy executive director, and in 2017 was reappointed as interim financial service commissioner.

Ken Boldt, who has served as acting state bank commissioner, will resume his previous position as deputy commissioner in the Division of Banking.

Patty Salazar and Marguerite Salazar are not related.



DENVER — Patty Salazar has been appointed State Bank and Financial Services commissioner by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies’ executive director, Marguerite Salazar, the agency said Wednesday.

Patty Salazar

Patty Salazar replaces Chris Myklebust who left the position Nov. 30. Her first day will be March 8.

Patty Salazar will oversee two financial divisions at DORA — the Division of Banking and the Division of Financial Services.

The Division of Banking regulates the business of state-chartered and/or licensed financial institutions, including state…

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