Banking & Finance  August 21, 2017 Innovation parent company raises $1.25M

BROOMFIELD — Societal Innovation Holdings Inc., parent company to Innovation, has raised $1.25 million.

The company filed an amended Form D with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission showing it plans to raise $2 million by offering convertible promissory notes. The date of first sale was June 2. A representative for the company did not return a request for more information.

The company’s subsidiary,, is a software platform that lets any business using digital trends such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to their advantage. The company is focusing on bringing those technologies to the agriculture industry.

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BROOMFIELD — Societal Innovation Holdings Inc., parent company to Innovation, has raised $1.25 million.

The company filed an amended Form D with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission showing it plans to raise $2 million by offering convertible promissory notes. The date of first sale was June 2. A representative for the company did not return a request for more information.

The company’s subsidiary,, is a software platform that lets any business using digital trends such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to their advantage. The company is focusing…

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