Entrepreneurs / Small Business  May 11, 2017

Wing Shack opens first out-of-state location

CHEYENNE, WYO. — Northern Colorado staple Wing Shack is opening its first location in Wyoming.

The regional favorite, which started its first store in 2004 in Garden City, is opening its sixth shop on Wednesday, May 17, at 1430 Stillwater Ave. in Cheyenne.

The location will be a family-friendly restaurant with a dining room and take-out ordering.


To coincide with its grand opening, 10 percent of sales during opening weekend will go to Cheyenne Habitat for Humanity and Safehouse Services of Cheyenne.

“We have wanted to expanded North to Cheyenne for quite some time — the city has a great energy with an atmosphere that is friendly to independent restaurant [sic] like ours,” founder Brian Seifried said in a prepared statement. “We are proud to call Cheyenne our new home and excited to become part of the community.”

Wing Shack already has locations in Garden City, Greeley, as well as Loveland, Windsor and Fort Collins.



CHEYENNE, WYO. — Northern Colorado staple Wing Shack is opening its first location in Wyoming.

The regional favorite, which started its first store in 2004 in Garden City, is opening its sixth shop on Wednesday, May 17, at 1430 Stillwater Ave. in Cheyenne.

The location will be a family-friendly restaurant with a dining room and take-out ordering.

To coincide with its grand opening, 10 percent of sales during opening weekend will go to Cheyenne Habitat for Humanity and Safehouse Services of Cheyenne.

“We have wanted to expanded North to Cheyenne for…

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