March 28, 2017

Fort Collins’ Armstrong Hotel to be sold

FORT COLLINS — The Armstrong hotel, for now the only hotel in Old Town Fort Collins, is being sold.

The Fort Collins Coloradoan reports that owners Steve and Missy Levinger are under contract to sell the property, in a deal expected to close April 13. The name of the buyer has not been revealed.

The 38-room Armstrong, located at 259 S. College Ave., for years has been the only hotel in Old Town but will be joined in September by The Elizabeth Hotel on Mountain Avenue.


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FORT COLLINS — The Armstrong hotel, for now the only hotel in Old Town Fort Collins, is being sold.

The Fort Collins Coloradoan reports that owners Steve and Missy Levinger are under contract to sell the property, in a deal expected to close April 13. The name of the buyer has not been revealed.

The 38-room Armstrong, located at 259 S. College Ave., for years has been the only hotel in Old Town but will be joined in September by The Elizabeth Hotel on Mountain Avenue.


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