December 16, 2015

Whole Foods delaying opening of Longmont store

Whole Foods’ opening of its new Longmont grocery store at the Village at the Peaks shopping center has been postponed for an unspecified period of time.

The Times-Call reports that store officials said they expect to make an announcement regarding the store next week. Developers of Village at the Peaks had said earlier this year that Whole Foods was slated to open in January. That appears to no longer be the case.


Whole Foods’ opening of its new Longmont grocery store at the Village at the Peaks shopping center has been postponed for an unspecified period of time.

The Times-Call reports that store officials said they expect to make an announcement regarding the store next week. Developers of Village at the Peaks had said earlier this year that Whole Foods was slated to open in January. That appears to no longer be the case.

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