June 12, 2015

Telemedicine Saves Money and Time

Jim Sampson  REBC, RHU, ChFC, CLU
Jim Sampson

High Deductible Health Plans can improve claims and lower premiums, but may adversely affect abseentism and employee wellness.

Visiting the doctor can be expensive and time consuming. Employees often avoid necessary care, and if they do go, it’s usually during work.

A quality telemedicine program solves both issues. Telemedicine programs allow employees and dependents to speak to board certified physicians by phone or video chat. After a quick assessment, the doctor can issue prescriptions and advice. Approximately 90% of the time, that call can resolve the issue, enabling the employee to get better faster and miss less work.

Astonishingly, 72% of doctor visits and 60% of emergency visits could be resolved by telemedicine. For a nominal premium, employees can access care and avoid deductible charges. As a bonus, employers see reduced claims and better productivity, creating a great return on investment opportunity.

Visit www.hubtelehealth.com or call for a ROI Estimate.

Jim Sampson, REBC, RHU, ChFC, CLU
HUB International Insurance Services
1001 E. Harmony Road, Ste. A-137
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 420-1352

Jim Sampson  REBC, RHU, ChFC, CLU
Jim Sampson

High Deductible Health Plans can improve claims and lower premiums, but may adversely affect abseentism and employee wellness.

Visiting the doctor can be expensive and time consuming. Employees often avoid necessary care, and if they do go, it’s usually during work.

A quality telemedicine program solves both issues. Telemedicine programs allow employees and dependents to speak to board certified physicians by phone or video chat. After a quick assessment, the doctor can issue…

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