April 14, 2014

‘Flowers for Towers’ celebrates Earth Day

FORT COLLINS – Information Point Technologies, or iPoint, a Fort Collins-based company specializing in networking, web design and search-engine optimization, will set up its inaugural computer recycling event named “Flowers for Towers” April 22-25 to celebrate Earth Day.

Partnering in the event are Fort Collin-based Tyler Systems and Fort Collins Nursery, according to a media release from iPoint. Earth Day falls on April 22 this year.

Pete Fardal, director of sales marketing at iPoint, said the reason for this recycling event is to help local businesses keep their information-technology equipment out of landfills, since those materials would otherwise be very difficult to break down.
“Most components of PCs are toxic,´ said Fardal.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

According to the press release, iPoint and its partners will provide local businesses with “free, secure, responsible recycling and disposal of laptops, PC towers and servers.” No monitors will be accepted.

Tyler Systems will wipe the hard drives, erase the data, sort all the components and send to appropriate locations for recycling, said Fardal.

People who drop off their equipment will receive both a $5 gift certificate from Fort Collins Nursery and a three-month discount on two iPoint services: the 1-year remote data backup service, regularly costing $19.95 per month for a base package, and the 1-year free website posting service, regularly costing $30 per month, Fardal said.

Components can be dropped off at iPoint, 135 W. Swallow Road, Building A, in Fort Collins. Dropoffs will be accepted from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Earth Day, April 22, and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 23-25, according to the press release.

FORT COLLINS – Information Point Technologies, or iPoint, a Fort Collins-based company specializing in networking, web design and search-engine optimization, will set up its inaugural computer recycling event named “Flowers for Towers” April 22-25 to celebrate Earth Day.

Partnering in the event are Fort Collin-based Tyler Systems and Fort Collins Nursery, according to a media release from iPoint. Earth Day falls on April 22 this year.

Pete Fardal, director of sales marketing at iPoint, said the reason for this recycling event is to help local businesses keep their information-technology equipment out of landfills, since those materials would otherwise be very difficult to…

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