January 5, 2012

Tendril receives rebates worth $85,000

BOULDER – Tendril Networks Inc. will receive up to $85,000 in tax and permit-related fee rebates as part of a city business incentive program, the city said Thursday.

Boulder’s Flexible Rebate program was approved in 2006 by city council members to offer incentives to keep “primary employers” based in the city from moving elsewhere. Tendril recently remodeled and moved into a 52,000-square-foot space at 2560 55th St. in Boulder.

“The city of Boulder is pleased that Tendril, a company founded in Boulder, is growing and able to maintain operations in the city, in part, due to city-offered incentives,” Jane Brautigam, Boulder city manager, said in a statement.


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Companies must meet minimum requirements set by the city to be eligible to receive rebates. Companies pay for the related taxes and permits and then apply for the rebates.

Tendril exceeded minimum rebate requirements set by the city by participating in RTD’s Eco Pass program and by putting together a “green team” at work that manages the company’s environmental initiatives, among other things, according to the press statement.

Tendril’s application was one of six submitted to the city in late 2011. Five other applications are still pending. The city has $350,000 set aside for 2012 flexible tax and fee rebates, according to the statement.

Most employers who have applied for and received tax rebates are private companies.

BOULDER – Tendril Networks Inc. will receive up to $85,000 in tax and permit-related fee rebates as part of a city business incentive program, the city said Thursday.

Boulder’s Flexible Rebate program was approved in 2006 by city council members to offer incentives to keep “primary employers” based in the city from moving elsewhere. Tendril recently remodeled and moved into a 52,000-square-foot space at 2560 55th St. in Boulder.

“The city of Boulder is pleased that Tendril, a company founded in Boulder, is growing and able to maintain operations in the city, in part, due to city-offered incentives,” Jane Brautigam, Boulder city…

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