August 26, 2011

Peru’s Humala interested in joining “political” mechanisms of Mercosur

“We want to build on a positive regional agenda based on integration but full membership of Mercosur is distant because Peru has at least ten free trade agreements with other countries and that means tariff problems, which can’t be overcome in the short term”, said Humala during a conference press following a meeting with President Jose Mujica.

However he promised to work for closer relations with all Mercosur member countries participating in the political mechanisms of the group. “This means an agenda that includes integration, security, combating narcotics and education”.

Pressed on his alleged ‘move to the political centre’ during the electoral campaign and what ‘model’ his administration would follow (Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador), Humala said that “in the world there is only one country with the name of Peru, and there are no two countries identical. What we can do and will do is look for the positive experiences of other countries and see how we can apply them in Peru. What is essential is to maintain and increase economic growth which guarantees social inclusion”, said president elect Humala.


“We want to build on a positive regional agenda based on integration but full membership of Mercosur is distant because Peru has at least ten free trade agreements with other countries and that means tariff problems, which can’t be overcome in the short term”, said Humala during a conference press following a meeting with President Jose Mujica.

However he promised to work for closer relations with all Mercosur member countries participating in the political mechanisms of the group. “This means an agenda that includes integration, security, combating narcotics and education”.

Pressed on his alleged ‘move to the political centre’ during the electoral…

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