September 24, 2010

Vote for children, vote for yourself

Boomers, retirees, can we talk?

A couple of questions on this November’s ballot need your attention. We know there’s a lot not to like on there. We also know that you still take elections seriously and vote in greater numbers than any other demographic. You’re most likely to read the Blue Book and newspaper editorials, study the pros and cons of issues – and then vote your pocketbook.

Poudre School District is asking for both a mill levy increase and a bond issue this year, the first time in a decade. Before you snap that pocketbook shut and check the No box just because you don’t have kids in school anymore, consider:

  • If you moved here from somewhere else, you are most likely part of the Colorado Paradox. We’re one of the most highly educated states, but don’t spend money to educate our own children – we ranked 41st per pupil in 2007-08. How many of us received our K-12 education courtesy of the taxpayers of Illinois or New Jersey? We should return the favor.
  • If you moved here because Northern Colorado is ranked among the best places to retire, ask what makes it that way: the scenery, the low crime rate, the opportunity to be part of a vibrant economy? When kids are in good schools, they learn to be part of that economy to keep our region vibrant, for every generation. The district, which consistently outperforms others throughout the state and the nation, plans to use the $16 million mill levy to restore some of the teachers and programs cut when $13.7 million had to be slashed from the budget. Those cuts actually dropped Fort Collins from No. 1 to No. 6 on the Money magazine list of Best Places to Live this year.
  • If you moved here as a business owner, you know what you need – an educated workforce. And here’s where you can really vote your pocketbook. PSD receives the lowest level of state funding – 95 percent of the per pupil average, $6,857 compared to $7,226 statewide last year – and will see an additional 6.3 percent cut next year. We are the only other source of funding, and we can invest our tax dollars here in Northern Colorado. The $120 million bond is restricted to maintenance and repair only, as PSD continues to consolidate schools and maintain existing assets.

Vote yes on 3A and 3B for the kids – and ourselves.

Boomers, retirees, can we talk?

A couple of questions on this November’s ballot need your attention. We know there’s a lot not to like on there. We also know that you still take elections seriously and vote in greater numbers than any other demographic. You’re most likely to read the Blue Book and newspaper editorials, study the pros and cons of issues – and then vote your pocketbook.

Poudre School District is asking for both a mill levy increase and a bond issue this year, the first time in a decade. Before you snap that pocketbook shut and check the No…

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