November 10, 2008

It’s all about the liberal conspiracy

As a card-carrying member of the Fort Collins liberal media elite – we hold secret meetings over arugula and chardonnay when Old Chicago runs out of pizza and 5 Barrel — I have to ask: Where art thou, o brothers?

If it really were all about a vast left-wing takeover of the mainstream media, how would you explain Coloradoan Editor Bob Moore’s  front-page admonishment that Betsy Markey must “walk a tightrope” to ensure she represents the views of her conservative constituents in the Fourth Congressional District, despite her landslide win?

I don’t recall her predecessor wasting two brain cells thinking about how to represent views other than her own, whether held by her constituents or anyone else, even after she barely hung onto her seat the last time around.


As a card-carrying member of the Fort Collins liberal media elite – we hold secret meetings over arugula and chardonnay when Old Chicago runs out of pizza and 5 Barrel — I have to ask: Where art thou, o brothers?

If it really were all about a vast left-wing takeover of the mainstream media, how would you explain Coloradoan Editor Bob Moore’s  front-page admonishment that Betsy Markey must “walk a tightrope” to ensure she represents the views of her conservative constituents in the Fourth Congressional District, despite her landslide win?…

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